Category Archives: Uncategorized

War Between Russia and China in the 2020s

Excerpt from Link:

BESA Center Perspectives Paper No. 1,230, July 18, 2019

EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: Notwithstanding the seeming friendship between Chinese president Xi Jinping and Russian president Vladimir Putin, and the growing congruence of both countries’ interests in undermining the US-led international order, relations between Russia and China remain at their core as brittle and prone to mutual suspicion and distrust as they have in the past. It is not unreasonable to expect that that underlying animosity will erupt into violence in the relatively near future.

China – which contains a billion-and-a-half people – not only dwarfs Mother Russia in population, national power, and economic might. It has also – much more worryingly – become a near military equal, prone to intimidation and throwing its weight around its periphery at will. None of these acts of Chinese belligerence will have escaped the notice of Russian planners

China relentlessly pushes its Silk Road initiatives, coercive economic practices, and diplomatic blandishments deep into the entire former Soviet space in Central Asia.

The Chinese have so far refrained from asserting strategic-security rights in the geopolitical arc along Russia’s southern periphery.

What will likely drive Russia to a defensive war with China before the next decade is out is the growing probability of Chinese territorial encroachment into Russia’s sparsely populated far eastern region bordering the Pacific. The Russian territories north of the Amur and east of the Ussuri Rivers in eastern-Central Asia, which currently demarcate the agreed boundaries between the two countries, are historically and insistently claimed by China. Chinese military maps even show these areas as Chinese territories.

These territorial claims, combined with the sheer population disparities ….. “

America’s Fake Civil War

America’s Fake Civil War
New Eastern Outlook / Гордон Даф


The United States, in the fourth year of the Trump presidency, is in near anarchy.

On April 29, 2020, a 600-car caravan, mostly trucks, from the ‘suburbs’ of Portland, Oregon, drove through town on what was ostensibly a Trump political rally.

Demonstrating in town, and at this time no one is sure exactly what is being demonstrated for or against, were a few hundred “stragglers.” The real demonstrations had ended some time ago, moved on elsewhere.

Activists fighting racism had been superseded by others, the bored, the unemployed and those with broader issues against America’s love affair with fascism, under the guise of neoconservatism.

Those driving through town were not really what one would consider suburban. One typically thinks of suburbs as affluent, educated, mostly “white” middle management, small business owners and skilled factory labor.

What came into town was not so much suburban but rural. Rural America is largely the permanently unemployed, those suffering from substance abuse issues, the uneducated but, as with typical inner cities, rural Americans are “white.”

Rural America is, in fact, the ghetto for white people.

In Portland, one person was killed, no one yet knows who or why, as those out on the streets, the car caravan, the stragglers, all pretty much marginalized members of society, and if one would check, an equal smattering of felony convictions, weapons charges and failed lives.

But what constitutes a failed life in the United States? Depending on the standard and one’s values and sense of clarity, everyone but Donald Trump is a failure, which Donald Trump reminds all of us of every single day.

Not everyone can be a “super genius,” who (according to Trump’s own sister) hired someone to take his college entrance exams and, most probably, do all his work as well.

America is about privilege, not so obvious as Britain where the scoundrels of yesteryear leave titles and properties and the inherent privileges therein ensconced to their miserable progeny.

To be a success in the US, it is necessary for one to adhere one’s self to privilege, giving up any and all pretense of individuality or conscience. One must become ruthlessly aggressive, on behalf of overlords initially and as one gains the skill and trust of the Deep State, use position to move others aside.

Success in America is based on psychopathy, wile, and deceit. With it comes military rank, seats in congress, seats in boardrooms, and the other perks, private golf memberships, large boats, and membership in other organizations.

The scandals that have rocked America over recent months have made one thing clear above all, that sexual immaturity and envy, often racially driven, lack of moral center and physical prowess now defines America’s elites.

The “self-made” men and women are few and far between.

Thus, to understand what a civil war in America is like and why it could only be fake, one must understand who Americans are. This will also explain why America has become so irrelevant in today’s world, why America is known for its fat people, for its ignorance and for its national policies that do nothing for America and yet victimize the world on behalf of some unseen force.

This explains the addiction, seemingly coming to an end, for using the term Deep State, a form of intellectual laziness and, moreover deflection-disinformation as well. I think we all know who we are really talking about when we use that very convenient term that the mainstream media has told us is allowable.

Nothing anti-Semitic about “Deep State.” It is not an attack on “elites” or the “Perfumed Princes of the Pentagon” or the “Banksters.” In fact, any real group culpable of bringing the world to its knees can and does stand up and cheer at the use of “Deep State.”

The real enemy has now become a phantom from a graphic novel.

Truth is a dangerous thing. People are weak, easily influenced and, at heart, lost and fearful. Not all people are equal with many, too many, incapable of the level of discernment required to live in a state where a psychological war scripted by Nobel Prize winners was declared, decades ago, against the American people, among others.

Sewing fear, distrust and hate is their product and total control of institutions, once few in number, now all, is their power and majesty.

Google and Facebook, this is where the civil war starts. The two names, Brin, and Zuckerberg, look to them above all. These are the real centers of power.

It is for Brin and Zuckerberg to deflect and disinform, to send the blind masses after George Soros and Bill Gates. Soros, known for his fanatic hatred of all things Bolshevik is an easy target, a huge critic of Israel’s policies against the Palestinians.

Opposing Israel’s policies is dangerous in the US. Few in the US are aware that Israel itself is near civil war as demonstrations go on week after week in that country against the dictatorial rule of Netanyahu who faces prison for corruption and holds onto power through orchestrating political unrest in the region.

This is why Israel is under investigation related to what Donald Trump has coined the “attack” on Beirut. Trump says it was a bomb, quoting experts at the Pentagon.

The media says everything but that and investigations will say nothing or make something up. Truth no longer exists, not for the general public but then why should the general public care when, in the US at least 40 percent of them are unemployed with half that number facing homelessness and nearly 200,000 of them dead already from COVID?

So, who is going to fight this civil war?

First of all, you need the disaffected. Those are people who hate themselves and, thus, feel envy toward others and are likely to look to violence and populism. Hitler was good at managing this kind of person as the world very well knows.

Were one to look at the realignment of wealth inside the US since Reagan took office, perhaps before, it might become clear. In 1970, a family with an income of $20,000 per year was considered lower income, just above the poverty level depending on how many children in the family.

Today, that figure, unadjusted for inflation, is $28,000.

An automobile that cost $3000 in 1970 costs $30,000 today. A home that would cost $25,000 in 1970 costs $175,000 today. A can of soup that cost 10 cents in 1970 costs one dollar today.

In 1970, most Americans had fully paid health insurance. 80%, while today only 4% have fully paid insurance. Most Americans are subject to lowered levels of care, often life threatening, due to public health policies written by insurance company lobbyists.

In fact, under Trump certainly but Reagan and in both Bush presidencies, public policy has raised costs manifold for public utilities, for health and all other insurances while weakening protections against poisoned air, food, water and, most telling of all, predatory business practices.

Creating fear is a way of engineering social unrest. Poverty is a great source of fear.

Let us look at wages. In 1963, a 16-year-old retail worker going to school made around $1.25 per hour while a unionized industrial worker made around $2.00.

The good thing is that industrial workers had fully paid benefits and worked significant overtime and the things they needed to buy cost very little by today’s standards.

Oh, there was also 60 million of them.

Today only 4 percent of workers belong to unions. The minimum wage, then $1.25 is now $7.25. As the minimum wage, then mostly for part time student workers, has increased nearly 600 percent in 60 years, the cost of living has increased 800% according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics.

The problem there is that while minimum wage workers 60 years ago were very few, in the then poverty stricken Southern United States and migrant agricultural workers only, today minimum wage jobs or near minimum wage is the “gold standard” and work without benefits is the norm as well.

The result is fear.

The US now has, officially, the highest level of single parent homes, at 23%, according to Pew Research, the highest of any nation in the world.

The US also has the highest level of illegal drug use in the world as well with just under 10% using serious drugs on a regular basis, not counting cannabis, alcohol, or cigarettes.

Other areas are more subjective and though it is always dangerous to generalize, it can safely be said that the quality of public education in the US is poor in relationship to other first and second world nations, with the US now hovering near “second world” status in many key areas.

The US can no longer be compared to Norway or Germany, genuine first world nations.

To look at the framing as to why a population could be turned on itself in a civil war, one needs only to see the level of fear and ignorance and gullibility.

A discussion of politicized religion in suburban and rural areas certainly applies, where traditional Christian values, accepting that the United States is a largely Christian nation or chooses to see itself as such, can easily point to religious leaders who are deeply corrupt yet massively powerful.

We then return to the idea of failure. People who see themselves as failures are potential fodder for extremism, expressed after 9/11 as xenophobic rage against Islam, certainly engineered by criminal elements, something no one doubts or questions anymore.

Today it is American against American, based on race and educational level.

The social lubricant is ignorance, fear, and poverty. The leverage is applied through Google and Facebook, through controlled, even scripted media and serves, whom?

There are other issues but one important one is regional traditions.

The US went through a massive migration at both the end of the Civil War, after 1865 and during the Second World War. The Southern and Border States, the rural South and Appalachia, emptied of both African Americans and whites as well.

African Americans went North, largely, eventually “landing” in cities, defining the struggles we see today.

The rural whites at first moved West, escaping persecution by the Northern victors in the Civil War and then during World War II, the remainder who did not serve in the military, both men and women, sought employment in war plants in the north.

These settled in cities that also were home to rural African American populations as well and decades of social unrest ensued as these two opposing groups from the South came to blows, fighting over the lowest economic sector in the affluent North.

The North settled very differently than the South. With industrialization, waves of immigrants, Norway, Sweden and Finland to the Midwest rural areas, lumber, and farming while Germany, Hungary and Poland became the staple for industrial workers. Irish and Italian settlers were prominent in the Northeast.

Southern immigrants who moved north brought their traditions, religious practices which included “speaking in tongues” and handling poisonous snakes, but those who were less religious, and this differentiation is key to understanding the South, brought a tradition of violence, of race hatred and of extreme ignorance.

Frighteningly, it is this sector that has migrated into such areas as law enforcement, people who were unfit for skilled industrial work. This is, in reality, the explanation for the bizarre and primitive nature of the police violence seen in parts of the US.

As time moved on, the Irish Catholics and poor Italians, the Greeks as well, advanced socially and economically. The Germans and Hungarians prospered as did Southern whites, but to a lesser degree than others.

Similarly African Americans faced the challenges of injustice and racism and a breakdown of social norms, not unlike that of resettled Southern whites, with high degrees of drug use and inherent criminality, mostly in urban African American communities but, as poverty reemerged in post Reagan America, suburban and rural poor began to suffer social degeneration.

These are some of the factors, all that we can easily discuss today, that has led the US to the divisions that make a form of civil war possible, if only one orchestrated by political operatives, social media and blown out of proportion by the mainstream media.

Each region of the US has a different mix and history, each with a narrative that, when exploited, can draw on old feuds to fuel racial and social discord.

This is the new politics of America and will, also frighteningly, decide the 2020 election which may well decide the fate of the world for generations.

Gordon Duff is a Marine combat veteran of the Vietnam War that has worked on veterans and POW issues for decades and consulted with governments challenged by security issues. He’s a senior editor and chairman of the board of Veterans Today, especially for the online magazine “New Eastern Outlook.”

Original Article:

When Americans Lynched a Jewish Pedophile/Murderer

When Americans Lynched a Jewish Pedophile/Murderer

lynch-law-2.jpeg(Leo Frank hangs. “Lynch law better than no law,” said Tom Watson)

In March 2015, the state of Georgia passed a “Religious Liberty Bill” which
allowed Christians to abstain from doing business with LGBT people
in accordance with their religious principles. Governor Nathan Deal was forced
to veto the bill after coming under intense pressure from the CEO’s
of Coca Cola, TimeWarner, Disney, and 400 other large companies
controlled by the Masonic Jewish central banking cartel which is foisting
gender dysphoria on the US population to destabilize it.

Governor Deal’s capitulation to Wall Street reminded E. Michael Jones
of another Georgia Governor John Slaton who was almost lynched
when he capitulated to Wall Street Jews in 1915. When Slaton commuted
the death sentence of a prominent Jew, Leo Frank, convicted of raping and
murdering a child, the people of Georgia took the law into their own hands.

See Dan’s comment below– Many Jews spin this as a “hate crime.” Any resistance to Jewish wrongdoing is categorized as such. Satanists invert good and evil and redefine “good” according to their interests and perversions.


Saturday, April 26th, 1913 – (noon)

Leo Frank had Conley (a black man) to ‘watch out’ for him while he ‘chatted’ with 12-year-old little Mary Phagan who had come to pick-up her weekly pay from working at the pencil factory. Frank demanded sex, and Phagan refused. Next, Frank in cocaine-induced rage, beat her mercilessly. He then pulled her underwear off, tied it around her throat, and raped her. After Frank finished he strangled her to death with the cord.

Frank then summons Conley into the office, where he finds Leo crouching over the unconscious girl. Leo tells him that Mary had resisted his advances, and when he grabbed her, had fallen and struck her head. When he had finished with her, he decided to kill her with a garrote.

Mary Phagan has been strangled with a seven-foot length of cord tied in a slipknot still tightly wrapped around her neck. Quantities of cord of this character are found throughout the building. Her tongue is swollen and protruding. She has soot on her face, dirt in her eyes, and cinders in her mouth and nostrils. She has a black eye, there are wounds on her scalp and below the knee and scratches on the elbow, and her clothing has been torn. There is fresh blood in her underclothing, and she appears to have been raped vaginally and anally. She has also been robbed, her purse containing the $1.20 is missing.

Soon there are court trials, and on the witness stand, the sworn testimony and first-hand eyewitness account as presented by Jim Conley is absolutely devastating. It was on the seventh, and pivotal, day in the trial of Leo Frank that Jim Conley, who was employed as a sweeper at the factory, was called to testify and he presented a gruesome, graphic, and sometimes revolting tale. In fact, his testimony was so lurid that Judge Roan ordered all women and children cleared from the courtroom.

Conley testified he had ‘watched out’ for Frank on several occasions, while he entertained young women in his office. According to Conley, Frank had confessed the murder to him and had tried to get him (Conley), to burn the body in the factory’s basement furnace. Frank’s lawyers, despite all of their bribes and trickery, were unable to shake Conley’s story.

Some of his descriptions of what he saw intimated that Frank was a sexual deviant and ‘not built like other men.’ Conley tells of walking in as the Jew was molesting the girl, and boys. There were explicit details explaining how he and Frank had dragged the body to the basement furnace room. They returned to the office where Frank had Conley (who was illiterate) write notes indicating Newt Lee the watchman…

from May 28, 2016

By E. Michael Jones

How the Oligarchs Got their Power

Culture Wars, May 2016

(excerpt by

Unfortunately, Georgia has a history of governors who act as if they are proconsuls for the evil empire whose headquarters are in Wall Street and Washington.


On June 22, 1915, Georgians awoke to the news that Governor John Slaton had commuted the sentence which had condemned Leo Frank, left, the Jewish pencil factory owner, [and head of the local B’nai Brith lodge] to death for the rape and murder of 13-year-old Mary Phagan. Although some Georgians agreed with Slaton’s decision, most did not, and outrage quickly spread through the population, and the city’s normal routine ground to a halt as people digested what had happened. Before long, the outrage which the majority of people felt at the commutation of Frank’s sentence found expression when, at 8:30 AM, a mob shouting “Pay the governor a call” started marching toward Slaton’s mansion, six miles away.

As some indication of what they planned to do when they got to the governor’s mansion, the mob broke into hardware stores along the way in search of guns. Police Chief Beavers, along with 50 mounted men, confronted the mob halfway to Slaton’s mansion, turning back roughly half of the men. Which meant of course that 2,000 armed men were still headed toward the governor’s mansion. What they planned to do when

they got there became apparent after another mob hanged the governor in effigy in the town square. Around the effigy’s neck hung a sign proclaiming, “John M. Slaton, King of the Jews and Traitor Governor of Georgia.”

In the end it was only the state militia and its machine guns and the fact that Slaton had declared martial law which saved him from the rage of the mob and the noose they had prepared for him. The reaction to the commutation followed along the lines that had already been established by the publicity campaign to save Frank. Slaton received “hosannas from the national press,” and the New York Times led the way, proclaiming that if Governor Slaton were to “look beyond the boundaries of the State of Georgia, he can know and feel to how high a place he has raised himself in the esteem and admiration of the whole country. . . . Governor Slaton has saved Georgia from herself. He has made his name illustrious.”


No one said in exactly those terms, but the news accounts of the recent attack on Georgia’s sovereignty as a state made it clear that Governor Nathan Deal, left, like his predecessor Governor Slaton, “has saved Georgia from herself.”

Needless to say, the New York Times did not articulate the feelings of the majority of Georgians. As in the past, that job fell to [Georgia Senator and newspaperman] Tom Watson, who claimed that the governor’s decision was a betrayal of the people of Georgia who had elected Slaton to office. Instead of representing the interests of the people who had elected him, Slaton ended up selling out to the rich Jews from New York City. The real issue, as Watson framed it, was money: “Jew money has debased us, bought us and sold us–and laughs at us.”

In Watson’s eyes, Slaton’s commutation of Frank’s sentence abolished the rule of law in Georgia, establishing in its place plutocracy, which is to say: “One law for the rich and another for the poor.” According to the new law those with “Unlimited Money and Invisible Power,” can prey on young Georgia girls with impunity because “they have established the precedent in Georgia that no Jew shall suffer capital punishment for a crime committed on a Gentile.”

Needless to say, Watson and his readers found this state of affairs intolerable, but when confronted with the question of “what are the people to do?” The only answer Watson could come up with was “Lynch law”: “Hereafter, let no man reproach the South with Lynch law: let him remember the unendurable provocation; and let him say whether Lynch law is better than no law at all.”


(left, John Slaton, 1870-1945)

As some indication that Watson was articulating the feelings of a significant percentage of the population of Georgia, a mob of 200 men opened fire on the governor’s mansion at two o’clock in the morning of June 22, 1915, Slaton’s last day in office. This was just the beginning of what was going to be a long day for the outgoing governor. When Governor Slaton left the capitol after giving his farewell address, a mob descended on his car shouting “Lynch him!” At this point a man in the mob tried to assassinate the governor.

Eventually the governor was able to escape from the mob, but he did not return to his mansion. Instead, he and his wife escaped by train to New York City, where, upon his arrival, he checked into the Waldorf Astoria hotel and held a press conference at which he was “accorded . . . the sort of welcome usually reserved for war heroes.”

In a move that seemed calculated to confirm the citizens of the state of Georgia in their suspicion that Slaton had sold out to New York money, Slaton and his wife then celebrated a night on the town with William Randolph Hearst after a dinner party at the publisher’s palatial apartment. After a summer-long vacation and cross-country train trip, the Slatons joined up with the Hearsts at San Simeon, Hearst’s version of Xanadu on the California coast. From there, the Slatons sailed to Hawaii. If this was political exile, the Slatons seemed to be enjoying it.

As the stories of Slaton being feted by the rich New Yorkers filtered back to Georgia, the outrage spiked upward once again. The Georgians who were outraged at the commutation of Frank’s sentence were even more outraged at the welcome their traitorous governor received in New York, and at a certain point a group of them decided to take the law into their own hands.


A group of 150 Marriettans joined together on the day the commutation was announced to form the Knights of Mary Phagan and vowed revenge on both Slaton and Frank. At around the same time a smaller but much more influential group of men came to the same conclusion and hatched a plan that was nothing if not audacious. They planned to abduct Frank from the state prison farm in Milledgeville, transport him halfway across the state, and then hang him in Marrietta, Mary Phagan’s home town. Tom Watson was informed of the conspiracy to murder Frank and kept up the drumbeat of publicity throughout the summer of 1915. On August 12, 1915, in response to a blatantly pro-Frank documentary produced by Hollywood’s Marcus Loew, Watson wrote: “Let the rich Jews beware! . . . THE NEXT JEW WHO DOES WHAT FRANK DID IS GOING TO GET EXACTLY THE SAME THING THAT WE GIVE TO NEGRO RAPISTS!”

Then, on August 17, the cabal carried out its threat. Frank was abducted from the state prison farm in Milledegeville, transported to Marietta and hanged. The lynching of Leo Frank set off an orgy of vituperation in the press of the sort the nation had not seen since the hanging of John Brown. Newspaper after newspaper condemned the South, in the words of the Chicago Tribune, as “a region of illiteracy, blatant self-righteousness, cruelty, and violence. Until it is improved by the infusion of better blood and better ideas it will remain a reproach and a danger to the American Republic.”

Join the US Army Fight for Israel(1).jpg

(left, Americans are now too busy extending central banker domination to defend their own freedom.)

“If Georgia approves lynching,” opined the New York Times, “then honors bestowed upon the lynchers would attest to the shameless courage of the Georgia public and its willingness to defy public opinion in the other States of the Union.” And for good measure, the Akron Beacon Journal added, “Georgia is a good place for every decent man and woman to stay away from.”

Which is precisely what the CEOs and homosexuals were saying about Georgia in the spring of 2016.

Order the May issue of Culture Wars as a pdf for $4 and read this 20-page article in its entirety.

Related- Interview with E. Michael Jones (Required viewing starts at at 23 min mark)

The Transgender Delusion Leads to Totalitarianism

The Transgender Delusion and Widespread Effeminacy Will Lead to Totalitarianism
Russia Insider Daily Headlines / Amalric de Droevig

by Amalric de Droevig ()

As a nation of economically dependent people relies upon a government for aid, alms, and financial support, a nation of weaklings and cowards, dependent upon the physical protection of others, does the same. Economic self-reliance is but one kind of independence; there are other types. Physical safety is another form of independence, and an often overlooked and underconsidered one. People may look to power/authority, typically governmental power/authority, for both physical and economic security.

Original Article:

An ambush in Portland

An ambush in Portland
Vox Popoli – RSS / noreply (Unknown)

This picture makes it perfectly clear that Jay Danielson, the Trump supporter shot and killed in Portland, was not only murdered, he was targeted by a group of people working in concert to kill him. The picture shows how the spotter directly behind Pappas is giving direction to the shooter, Michael Reinoehl, who is already drawing his gun and stepping out from his hiding place despite not having a line-of-sight to his target.

AC has considerably more on the subject, which may explain why the Portland police are looking for information concerning the man with his arm around the woman with the striped dress behind and to the right of Pappas. This tends to raise the question, why was Danielson targeted in the first place? The level of preparation involved suggests that it wasn’t merely because he was wearing MAGA gear that night.

The observable fact is that Antifa is a highly organized and well-funded terrorist organization, which is why the MAGA patriots have been reliably outmaneuvered despite being better armed and having better individual combat capabilities. See: The Hero Kyle Rittenhouse. Antifa is engaging in active 4GW while the MAGA forces are occupied in failing Sun Tzu 101 and failing it badly. That being said, Antifa doesn’t actually understand 4GW, which is why they keep failing on the moral level and thereby losing despite their tactical and operational successes.

Antifa tactical units are organized into standard ‘company sturctrure’ of up to 20 individual soldiers under the immediate control of a comany commander. While there are ‘special units’, most notable the ‘reconnaissance & coordination’ teams of bicyclists, the base of the C&C structure for Antifa is the company.

Company commanders are ‘first lieutenants’ and may be identified in the field by their actions within the group, and frequently by possession of DX SDR units of some form. These ‘duplex (send/receive) software-defined radio’ units will be small, and most probably attached to a smart phone. It is through the SDRs that the encrypted commands are passed to operational units. On arrest, 1st Lieutenants have been observed discarding their identifying equipment as well as destroying their phones.First Lieutenants can also be identified as being the local hub for bicycle traffic. In observations of rioting/looting activity, particularly with long-distance videos of quality, bicyclists can clearly be seen reporting to 1st Lieutenants and even seeking them out in the mob. For this activity, bicyclists have been noted to employ ‘proximate apps’ to locate their units & commanders.

The Anitfa field orgnaization has up to 4 companies reporting to a ‘captain (coordinator)’. Antifa Captains may be identified by common actions & equipment. Captains are ‘free floating’ within the mob movement, but will always be associated with increased bicycle traffic as well as ’emblems’ of authority/command. These emblems include sepcific types & shapes of video camera gear. Antifa soldiers are trained to center on the emblems of both 1st Lieutentant as well as Captains. Some of the Captains have been observed pulling their command together by holding up the long lens video camera overhead while running a pattern of flashes from the light bars. These are swept around the mob & new organization results.

Captains control and coordinate their company commanders by use of the SDR devides & will be observed in the field speaking into throat microphones while receiving by ear plugs or in-built headphones in their helmets. So far, all identified captains have been observed to be wearing some form of short coverage helmets. These appear to be adapted from the forms used by rock climbers. Captains will also be indentified by the apps loaded on their phones, the SDR units,

In field actions, captains can be most frequently spotted by their movements coordinating 1st lieutenants. Their most often observed task is enforcing discipline during the riots. In video footage of the day time looting in CA, the captains can be observed running up to enforce movement of specific companies that had been bogged down in looting, rather than attending to the mission being directed by the captain. In such incidents the first action of the captain is to force the soldiers attention on the video camera being waved around. Once recognition of rank is obtained, the captains can be seen pushing & forcing Antifa soldiers to specific actions, including pointing out their 1st Lieutenants. Captains have also been observed directing companies to attack specific locations they were identifying from maps on their phones. Looting has been preplanned for specific strategic and tactical goals as has been observed with the complex Antifa C&C actions at the looting of the Melrose high end Art store in CA.

In the field, Antifa C&C structure can be observed to include a ‘Colonel’ rank. These Colonel Antifa commanders are identified by being always accompanied by a ‘squad’ of up to half company strength used to control and protect the Colonel within the mob movements. Colonels have been identified as their supporting soldiers created paths for them through active riot areas. Other identifiers include near constant attendance by bicyclists, many of whom have ‘rolling command centers’ of digital & other equipment on racks on the bikes. As with Captains, the Colonels will also most frequently be seen wearing helmets, many with antenna off the back. These are part of the encrypted SDR systems that have been found to be hotspots of radio activity during riots. Antifa relies heavily on digital equipment, but other than minor levels of encryption, appears to be unsophisticated in wider applications, nor do they appear to be aware of their vulnerability to location by EMF triangulation.

The Antifa command and control structure, as so far observed, does not expose any levels higher than Colonel to visibility. All the ‘General’ level field officers have so far only been observed in vehicles being used as coordination centers. These have been noted to be extensively modified with electronic support systems.

The structure of Antifa in the field most closely resembles the ‘color’ revolutions created by the CIA. The tactics employed so far in these Antifa field actions have very simiular targets & tactics as was observed as far back in time as the Viet Nam conflict, and in other arenas in which the CIA created wars and destabilized regimes.

Posted by Vox Day.

Original Article:

A False Flag Is Biden’s Only Chance to Win

A False Flag Is Biden’s Only Chance to Win
Fort Russ / Guest Author

By Tom Luongo – for Strategic Culture Foundation The Black Revolution is in full swing in the U.S. Over the next sixty days we will be treated to the greatest political show on Earth as the Democrats and their handlers in The Davos Crowd pursue the biggest lie since Climate Change. The events of 2020 […]

The post A False Flag Is Biden’s Only Chance to Win appeared first on Fort Russ.

Original Article:

Syria “Violet” Successors to MI6’s “White Helmets”

Meet the “Violet” Successors to MI6’s “White Helmets” Syria Psy Op
Anti-Empire » Feed / Vanessa Beeley

“To be purple means to be gifted, hopeful, and sacrificed”—motto of the Violet organization

While the world is distracted by the Covid-19 crisis, scant attention has been paid to events in Syria. The US-led coalition is maintaining a savage multispectrum war on the country, but few are aware of the suffering of the Syrian people as the media have barely reported on the starvation, economic catastrophe, scorched-earth policy, and war crimes directly committed by the US-led coalition and indirectly via their client terrorist groups. All of these are components of the US-led spoiler policy designed to economically reduce Syria to a failed state, a sinister objective they were unable to achieve militarily.

The White Helmets’ Fall from Grace

For seven years of the hybrid war waged against Syria by the US-led coalition, the White Helmets were the flagship manufacturers of much of the propaganda aimed at maintaining the criminalization of the Syrian state, its army, and its allies. Their multimillion-dollar PR image has recently taken a battering, however. From their involvement in the Douma chemical weapon hoax to accusations of their murdering civilians and planting corpses for use as “props” in images used to justify US-led coalition bombings of Syria, the White Helmet organization has been discredited on several occasions and is no longer a pristine brand.

Even prior to the exposure of their

I have also collated over my years of reporting on this terrorist-affiliated group.

withdraw funding in September 2018 following an investigation that concluded that there was a high risk of funds that were destined for the so-called humanitarian organization would end up in the hands of the various armed groups occupying and controlling the territory where White Helmets exclusively work.

Following the suspicious death of James Le Mesurier, the British military-intelligence founder of the White Helmets, in Istanbul in November 2019, investigations revealed his involvement in fraud and embezzlement of funds destined for the White Helmets. As a consequence, the German government demanded the repayment of 50,000 euros in March 2020 in connection with these financial irregularities. Western media are naturally trying to downplay the seriousness of these findings. A separate in-depth investigation into Le Mesurier’s business activities and covert role in Syria was carried out by the Working Group on Syria, Media and Propaganda and can be read here.

The controversy surrounding the White Helmets and their own members’ carelessness in posting images of themselves carrying weapons and fraternizing with terrorist groups, including Al Qaeda, has damaged their reputation in the public consensus. Yet, the media is still protecting this group as are the primary governments that fund them, the UK being the foremost defender of the construct. As a result, it seems increasingly likely that the White Helmets are going to be quietly shelved at some point in the hope that their crimes will be forgotten amid the Covid-19 chaos that has now swept across the world.

The White Helmets’ Replacement

While not a recent start-up, a group that goes by the name of the Violet Organisation has recently been gaining greater prominence in mainstream media reports covering the Syrian conflict. The Guardian, Middle East Eye, Al Jazeera, Al Araby, TRT World, and others have been increasingly referring to the Violet organization when upholding their long-standing anti–Syrian state narratives. It is worth underscoring that all the media mentioned have a transparent bias toward the “moderate” extremist cause and against the Syrian government and army.

In these more recent reports, the White Helmets are now regularly sidelined as “ambulance staff,” whereas, prior to their apparent fall from grace, mainstream media did not hesitate to heavily promote the group. Instead, the “hope still exists” strapline has now been firmly pinned to the Violet organization in Syria. Who are this group, and where did they come from?

In this, Part 1 of a series for Unlimited Hangout, I will provide information on the origins and sponsorship of the Violet Syria group. I will demonstrate that this group is yet another so-called grassroots outfit operating exclusively in terrorist-governed areas of Syria that is, once again, backed and promoted by the same governments and agencies that have been waging the multispectrum war against Syria and its allies for the last ten years.

Who Are the Violets?

The organization was allegedly founded in Idlib city in 2011 as a “humanitarian” volunteer group distributing food and aid. The group is now registered in Turkey, which may offer the first clue as to its affiliations in the Syrian conflict. A look at its partners and sponsors further increases the suspicion that the group may be following in the footsteps of the White Helmet construct as an instrument of US-allied imperialism.

According to the Violet organization’s website, the group’s aim is to rebuild parts of northern Syria by renovating, decorating, and refreshing parks, schools, and public spaces in Idlib city, which is controlled by Al Qaeda, or Hayat Tahrir Al Sham (HTS) as the organization has been rebranded. This project has been dubbed “Idlib’s Spring,” a throwback to the so-called Arab Spring that was largely orchestrated by US intelligence and that also launched the coalition’s destabilization campaign in Syria. Like the White Helmets that preceded them, the Violets are an organization operating exclusively in terrorist-held areas of Syria while claiming to be “a team of benevolent individuals motivated by love and faith to provide aid to the oppressed and the needy around the world.”

The Violet organization website demonstrates a strong connection to the refugee camps established in northwest Syria and also to the Covid-19 pandemic, which has been exploited to further promote this group’s centers as advancing the health and education of children in the region. Images of children wearing face masks are being exploited by the Violets on social media to raise money for the group.

The Violets boasted an impressive budget of $30 million in 2015–16, a massive sum considering that they allegedly began as a humble start-up consisting of only a few volunteers, which is a storyline similar to that used by the White Helmets. During this period, the Violets claim to have “reached out” to 2.7 million people, another interesting claim when one considers that the entire population of Idlib at this time was scarcely that large and that the Violets have, at maximum, 2,000 volunteers, according to their own website.

A 2011 UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs estimate placed the entire population of Idlib at 1,501,000, though this number may have increased with the influx of armed-group members and their families transferred there after the Syrian Army’s liberation of territory elsewhere in Syria.

Violet Management Team

The current CEO of the Violets, appointed in May 2020, is Hisham Dirani. Dirani is based in Gaziantep. Dirani’s previous experience was as the founder of an organization called Binaa Development, which focused on economic development and “implementing sustainable programs” inside Syria. Binaa had close ties with the UK government’s Department for International Development (DFID), the UN Office for Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA) and the extremist-linked Assistance Coordination Unit (ACU). Binaa was also supported by Qatar’s Red Crescent, which was accused of funneling money to the armed groups in 2012 and was subsequently banned from Syria by the Syrian government. Oddly, only the 2015 financial accounts for Binaa are available on their website, as all links to later accounts are not working.

The director of the Violet “intervention” team is Mamoun Kharbout, who previously worked with the Syrian Arab Red Crescent (SARC) in 2012, based in Idlib city. It is interesting that the connection has been made to SARC, perhaps representing an attempt to provide greater credibility for the Violets in order to distance themselves from the leadership of the White Helmets with their bias toward heavily armed groups. SARC was recognized by the International Red Cross Committee in Geneva (ICRC) in 1946. It has a headquarters in Damascus and fourteen branches in the fourteen governorates of Syria with seventy-five sub-branches.

It must also be noted that I have been told by Syrian civilians that members of SARC who are still operating in terrorist-held areas are not averse to working with armed groups and are not always sympathetic toward Syrian governmentloyalist civilian populations that live under extremist occupation. While this is anecdotal, it is nevertheless worth mentioning in this context. There are also reports of SARC offices being seized by armed groups in northern Syria, which would suggest a mafia-style dynamic between the militias and any organizations working under their jurisdiction—the organizations may be coerced or incentivized into cooperating with these armed groups.

Another member of the Violet leadership is Fouad Sayed Issa, who is on the organization’s board. According to some reports, Issa was the original on-the-ground operative for the Violets in Idlib city. The organization originally consisted of sixteen-year-old Issa, his father, and three of his friends. Issa now claims that the organization has two thousand members across Syria, with an estimated one thousand based in northwest Syria.

Issa has been quoted by Syrian “opposition” media outlets, such as Enab Baladi, as describing the difficulties in ensuring that Violet members adhere to “humanitarian principles, values, neutrality and impartiality towards the beneficiaries.”

According to Issa, the problem lies with social media, just as it often did for the White Helmets:

“The problem lies outside working hours, primarily through social media sites, where volunteers express their ideas, religious or political affiliations, or personal thoughts. Here comes the organization’s mission to control nonalignment and abuse of others by its employees, especially as the matter harms the organization itself, and this is not easy.”(My emphasis)

Independent media outlet, Clarity of Signal, has provided what is perhaps the most comprehensive cache of White Helmet social media images and publications that expose individual members as armed-group members or sympathizers.

Given past precedent and Issa’s statement, it can be concluded that the Violets’ members work alongside sectarian extremist groups that may include Al Qaeda. A member of the White Helmet organization in Daraa, southern Syria, told me that, if the leader of a White Helmet group is part of Al Nusra Front (Al Qaeda), the whole group will be Al Qaeda. These so-called humanitarian organizations are, by design, sectarian in nature. Neither group appears to include members of religious minorities in Syria, they comprise exclusively Muslim Brotherhood and fundamentalist Sunni Muslim factions. Issa is surprisingly honest, perhaps because he is speaking to a sympathetic media outlet, but he gives a valuable insight into the nature of the Violet organization, as it mirrors that of the White Helmets, which was also described as inherently sectarian by their British intelligence cofounder James Le Mesurier.

One thing the Violets clearly have in common with the White Helmets is a penchant for slick professional publicity campaigns, as demonstrated by the content of their YouTube channel. I will go into greater depth regarding the significance of the photo below later in this article, but it demonstrates that the White Helmets and Violets collaborate closely in areas where Al Qaeda is in charge.

Who Backs the Violets?

The Violets are not shrinking when it comes to their partners. Their array of prominent governmental, UN agencies, and aligned organizations is striking because of the similarity to sponsors of the White Helmets. Despite working in a country that has been savagely impacted by US-led coalition economic sanctions, including those tied to the recently imposed Caesar Law sanctions, the Violets raise donations through the Bank of America, which apparently puts no restrictions on the financing of an organization working in Al Qaeda–held areas. Total “public” donations have amounted to almost $1 million so far this year.

A letter sent to the former US Secretary of State, John Kerry, in 2016, by the Washington-based Charity and Security Network, gives an indication of why the Violets, the White Helmets, the Asfari Foundation, and other US-led coalition aligned organizations might have been exempted from the sanctions:

“Finding a solution to this problem should be a priority for the Departments of Treasury and State. It is necessary to support US foreign policy goals. Many nonprofits carry out work funded by USAID, the State Department and the UN Treasury should support the governmental objectives of these agencies by fostering an environment in which the NPOs are able to access financial services and continue their operations.” (My emphasis)

In other words, those organizations that support US-allied foreign policy goals must be shielded from the economic pressures being brought to bear on the people of the targeted nation that they claim to be “saving” in order to serve the interests of US neocolonialism.

Along with the partners that are prominently displayed on the Violet website, additional sponsors are listed on the bottom of the website’s “Join Us” section. I have taken screenshots of these important backers in case they are removed at some point in the future. They include the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development, the UK’s DFID, and the Asfari Foundation. Significantly, all three are also heavily invested in the White Helmet organization since its establishment in 2013. The White Helmets, notably, were also founded in Gaziantep, Turkey, and Jordan.

The Most Influential Violet Sponsors and Partners: What Does It Mean for Syria?

One of the Violet group’s sponsors missing from their website is Kuwaiti billionaire Sheikh Abdullah Alnouri and his Charity Society, which signed two strategic-partnership agreements in 2019 alongside the Islamic Development Bank and SPARK to “improve access for Syrian refugees to higher education and economic empowerment” in Syria, Jordan, Lebanon, Turkey, and Iraq.

Al Nouri has simultaneously been funding the Violets in Syria. Kuwait has been an ally of the US-led coalition in the war against the Syrian state and has actively supported terrorist groups committing atrocities against the Syrian people. Although Kuwait has, more recently, tried to normalize relations with Syria, the threat of Caesar Law sanctions being levied against them seems to have impeded the advancement of this strategy.

The connection between the SPARK-led education strategy and the Syrian refugees being contained within areas controlled by Al Qaeda (and affiliated groups) will be explored in greater detail in Part 2 of this series.

The remaining sponsors of the Violets are a similar cluster of state-affiliated agencies and governments to those that have funded the White Helmets—all have a clear interest in the removal of the current Syrian government and its president, Bashar Al Assad.

British Government

The British government, via the DFID, is once again involved in the funding of what is effectively another shadow-state construct, operating only in terrorist-controlled territory and incubated in Turkey. That Idlib is controlled by Al Qaeda while the British government is funding another organization working under the direction of a terrorist group seems to be of no concern:

“Most of Idlib is currently under the control of Hayat Tahrir al-Sham (HTS), an alliance of fighting groups that includes factions formerly aligned with al-Qaeda, that is considered a terrorist organization by the British government.”

Middle East Eye

Asfari Foundation

The Asfari Foundation was set up by the UK-based Syrian oil magnate, Ayman Asfari. Asfari is group chief executive of Petrofac Limited. He is a controversial figure even in Europe, having been previously investigated by the Serious Fraud Office in the UK after allegations of bribery and corruption in the gas and oil industry. Since 2009, Asfari has donated almost £700,000 to the UK Conservative Party, which has been in power since the regime change efforts against Syria began in earnest. He is a member of the Leaders Group, an “elite circle of donors” who are regularly invited to lunch with Tory influencers in return for paying £50,000 per year.

Chatham House and the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, intelligence-linked think tanks and government-policy influencers in the UK and US, respectively.

Asfari has been instrumental in the creation and financing of many organizations within the billionaire-complex of NGOs that has infiltrated Syria since 2011 alongside the extremist groups. Many of the suspect NGOs within this network have been heavily relied on by Western mainstream media and UN agencies in their effort to blacken the reputation of those fighting terrorism on Syrian soil. Most important, Asfari was behind the establishment of the Syria Campaign, which is, effectively, the White Helmets’ PR agency and a powerful military-intervention lobby targeting Syria.

Save the Children

Save the Children (SC) appears to be one of the Violets’ major partners, appearing often in their Twitter feed. Save the Children is a group hardly immune to controversy. In 2014, they awarded war criminal and infanticide endorserTony Blair, their Global Legacy Award at a gala charity at the Plaza hotel in New York. In 2015, following considerable public and internal condemnation, SC-UK had to apologize for their error of judgement, which damaged the organization’s reputation globally.

In addition, SC workers have been implicated in the exploitation of refugee children, including committing or abetting acts of sexual violence, in Liberia, Guinea, and Sierra Leone by UN Peacekeepers and more than forty UN-linked and independent “aid” agencies, in 2001. Save the Children and the UNHCR “investigated themselves” for this abuse of power by their own employees and, thus, the investigation into these egregious incidents cannot be classed as independent.

inappropriate behavior” while working for the Save the Children charity in 2015. The Charity Commission found “serious weaknesses” in the charity’s workplace culture following an investigation into its handling of allegations of misconduct and harassment of staff between 2012 and 2015. The chief executive, Justin Forsyth, faced three complaints from female staff of misconduct, and Brendan Cox was accused of sexually assaulting a woman.

Brendan Cox resigned from two of the charities he had established in the memory of his wife, More in Common and the Jo Cox Foundation, after the sexual assault charges failed to disappear. Originally, the complaint was filed as assault and battery, but further legal action against Cox was eventually dropped. The connections between the Jo Cox Foundation, the White Helmets, and British regime-change operations in Syria were investigated by author and Unlimited Hangout founder, Whitney Webb, in a three-part series, which is available here, here, and here.

policy regarding intercountry adoption of displaced children endorses the questionable strategy that states “where other family-based options are not possible, intercountry adoption has allowed for abandoned, orphaned or children with disabilities to be raised within a loving family from another country.” SC states that “commercial or criminal gain, fraud, child trafficking and deception of birth parents” must not play any part in the adoption process. This policy and its potential subversion by NGOs such as SC and Violet will be analyzed in greater depth in Parts 2 and 3 of this series.

Against Child Trafficking (ACT) is an NGO established in 2008 by Roelie Post, an EU Commission official who exposed the sale of tens of thousands of children from Romania during the 1990s. In 2001, the Romanian government shut down these “intercountry adoption” operations, but the powerful lobby supporting the practice “applied maximum pressure on the Romanian government, the European Commission as well as Roelie Post herself.” Post’s book, The Untold Story of the Romanian Orphansis a must read for comprehending the powerful elite class that protects intercountry adoption agencies while neglecting the rights of the child. ACT is very clear regarding how intercountry adoptions are often a cover for something more sinister:

“Since 2008, ACT (Against Child Trafficking) provides the evidence that intercountry adoption is a legalized form of child trafficking. ACT is critical of the Hague Adoption Convention as it results in a legalized market in children (see Perverse Effects of the Hague Convention).”

Questions must be raised as to who monitors the SC abuse-preventative policies in Idlib when child internment centers or refugee camps are policed by organizations accused of child trafficking and suspected of child abuse (White Helmets) and organizations (the Violets) working with the White Helmets and Al Qaeda–linked armed groups.

International Rescue Committee The International Rescue Committee (IRC) is another organization funding the Violets that is mired in controversy. The IRC board comprises some of the world’s most notorious war hawks, including Madeleine Albright, Condoleeza Rice, Colin Powell, and Henry Kissinger, who are responsible for the mass murder of children globally. The “charity” is managed by former UK Labour foreign secretary David Miliband, who joined the organization in 2013 after quitting UK politics.

UK government funding to the IRC was reportedly “frozen” in 2018 after an official investigation concluded that the IRC had “hushed up 37 allegations of fraud, sex abuse, and bribery.” Just as the SC investigated itself over child-abuse accusations, the IRC investigated the allegations against itself. The “wrongdoing” had first been identified by DFID in 2016, a year when DFID had given £92 million to the IRC—64 percent of all UK-based donations made to the group that year. In 2015, DFID funneled £76 million to the IRC.

DFID and the UK Foreign and Commonwealth Office are still displayed on the IRC’s funders’ page on their website. In March 2020, the IRC published a job vacancy for a “Senior Advisor, Strategic Partnerships – DFID,” with a salary of £50,000 per year. The ad claims that the “DFID is a long-standing and strategic partner for the IRC. The Senior Advisor will lead, guide and coordinate IRC’s funding focused engagement with DFID.”

involved in the 2001 West African “sex for food scandal” alongside Save the Children, MSF, and the Norwegian Refugee Council (Violet sponsors in bold).

I will go into greater depth regarding the IRC’s potential links to human trafficking and connections to Big Pharma in Part 2 of this series. Whitney Webb has recently exposed the IRC’s role in coordinating ID2020’s pilot scheme for refugee newborns in Myanmar. Miliband’s close links with Bill and Hillary Clinton, George Soros, and John McCain will also be explored in upcoming installments of this series.

In addition, the IRC is also involved in the digitalization of child education in refugee camps and centers. In 2017, the MacArthur Foundation gave Sesame Workshop and the IRC $100 million to “educate young children from displaced Syrian families and help them deal with toxic stress.” Alison Hawver McDowell, a leading researcher into the Fourth Industrial Revolution, has described the Sesame Workshop project thus:

“Sesame Workshop’s program with Syrian refugees is an example of how foundations are paving the way for education to be reinvented as an exercise in data-driven, behavior modification. Over the course of this five-year project, traumatized families will be used to refine scaleable online education and behavioral treatment models that generate data and profit for private interests. These efforts will be subsidized by foundations and made possible with assistance from complicit non-profit actors. The products developed from the digital labor of these children will be deployed not only in future “humanitarian” efforts, but also among the growing ranks of children living in poverty in the United States and other countries. The $100 million was not a charitable award; it was a business investment.”

Qatar Red Crescent

As mentioned earlier, Qatar’s Red Crescent was reportedly banned from Syria by the Syrian government. In 2012, they were found to have been involved in cash-for-arms exchanges with extremist militias. Qatar has been responsible for the financing of many terrorist groups inside Syria, including Al Qaeda. Qatar has also trained and financed the White Helmets, and they have even commissioned fraudulent investigations into alleged Syrian government crimes, including the discredited Caesar report that is the basis for the criminal and savage sanctions that are now being used to further collectively punish Syrian civilians.

Remaining Sponsors and Their Connections to US/UK Intelligence Agencies and the Billionaire “Regime Change” Complex Above, I have zeroed in on some of the Violet sponsors and will be covering them in greater detail in subsequent installments of this series for Unlimited Hangout. A quick glance at the remaining sponsors further reveals the Violets’ ties to a network of organizations connected to the “regime change” billionaire complex and powerful UN agencies as well as intelligence agencies and governmental offices of countries that are hostile toward the Syrian government. Shelter Box (SB): An emergency disaster relief NGO providing emergency shelter for displaced people and refugees. SB is directly linked to Oxfam (another organization where Jo and Brendan Cox both worked) whose workers were caught raping girls as young as twelve years old in refugee camps in Haiti in 2011. SB partners include eBay and Airbnb.

Vision Hope (VH): A German based NGO that “builds sustainable communities in war-torn regions.” VH coordinates with donors and organizations, including the World Food Program (WFP), the World Health Organization, UNICEF, the UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs, EuropeAid, the European Union, and Germany’s Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development.

World Vision (WV): A “child protection,” child education, economic development, and disaster relief NGO that claims to focus on ending child poverty. Partners include the Global Fund, WFP, UNICEF, End Violence Against Children, UNHCR, Child Health.

WV is one of the strongest promoters of the Covid-19 narrative in northern Syria in relation to the role of the Violets. In one article, WV stated:

“We continue to do everything we can to support the most vulnerable, and we urge world leaders to prioritize the protection of children from the aftershocks of this pandemic, giving them the chance to reach their potential.”(My emphasis)

CARE: “CARE works around the globe to save lives, defeat poverty and achieve social justice,” according to their website. CARE is partnered with USAID (a CIA outreach agent), UKAID, World Bank, WFP, and UNICEF among others.

OCHA: The UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs directly funds the Violets.

The crossover between the coalition-funded White Helmets and the Violets is demonstrated further by the Violets’ collaboration with this now-infamous Al Qaeda auxiliary within the Molham-Team Volunteering project, which also appears to incorporate a number of other US/UK-linked NGOs.

Among the Violets’ backers there is a noticeable focus on the “welfare and education of children” in areas governed by the extremist proxies of the same governments that are financing the Violets and the White Helmets. There is also the history of refugee abuse surrounding some of the more influential donor organizations to consider, an issue of great significance, which will be further explored in subsequent parts of this series.

open letter, written and signed by David Miliband (IRC), Dr Jihad Qaddour of Syrian Relief and Development connected to the White Helmets and Violet Organisation through the Molhamteam campaigns, Dr Zaher Sahloul of the Al Qaeda “MASH” unit, Syrian American Medical Society (SAMS) also apparently partnering the Violets (see above Tweet), and the Norwegian Refugee Council Secretary General, Jan Egeland, was addressed to the UN. The letter was an appeal for open borders, which could be perceived as facilitating intercountry adoptions and ultimately facilitating illegal trafficking as well.

Open borders is a policy endorsed by Doctors Without Borders (MSF) founder Bernard Kouchner, who has a documented role in the Kosovo Liberation Army (KLA) cross-border organ and human trafficking in Pristina, Kosovo, after the NATO intervention in former Yugoslavia, though he has long denied it. Whitney Webb and I have covered this sinister period in Kosovo’s history and the involvement of White Helmet cofounder James Le Mesurier in an article that can be found here.

In Parts 2 and 3 of this series, I will question why David Miliband’s and Jan Egeland’s names (alongside other UN-linked notables) were found written on the walls of Al Qaeda–controlled buildings in Idlib, not far from the headquarters of Abu Mohammed Al Jolani, the brutal leader of Al Qaeda. Egeland is also the UN Syria adviser, as well as the Secretary General of the Norwegian Refugee Council, which is funding the Violets.

Additionally, Egeland is a Norwegian diplomat and former politician with a career path that includes Amnesty International, Human Rights Watch, and the International Crisis Group (ICG) —all organizations considered to have a revolvingdoor relationship with Western intelligence agencies and that have supported and enabled US-allied military adventurism globally.

supports the extension of two Turkey-Syria border crossings for the delivery of “aid” to Idlib and has condemned the Chinese and Russian vetoes of these proposals. US ambassador to the UN, Kelly Craft, visited the Bab Al Hawa crossing on the Syrian border with Turkey in March 2020. Bab Al Hawa is known locally to be an Al Qaeda trading hub where incoming international “aid” is merchanted by the terrorist organization to provide revenue for the group and its armed militia affiliates. Craft and her entourage met with a delegation of White Helmets in an area that would have been strictly under the supervision of Al Qaeda, but this was left unmentioned in Western media reports.

During her visit, Craft pledged a further $108 million in “aid” to the alleged Al Qaeda haven and described the terrorist-managed crossing stations at Bab Al Hawa and Bab Al Salam as “vital humanitarian cross-border lifelines into Syria.” For Syrians living under Al Qaeda occupation, the “lifeline” serves only the US client terrorist groups, not the civilians living in the areas they control. It is inconceivable that the delegation’s members would not notice the militia controlling the checkpoints. Egeland’s Norwegian Refugee Council is one of a handful of international “NGOs” with a presence in Damascus. The question must be raised, why does Egeland not refer to the potential for “aid” being hijacked by the armed groups?

Egeland also took part in the “World Is Watching” save-Idlib video with a focus on one million children. Other participants in the video were Oxfam, UNICEF, Save the Children, World Vision, CARE, Mercy Corps, and David Miliband—all sponsors of the Violet organization.

Cofounder of Mercy Corps, Ellsworth Culver, was “credibly” accused by his daughter of serial sexual abuse over a period of four years. Mercy Corps have aligned with the Violets and White Helmets and the majority of their backers in lobbying to thwart the full and final liberation of Syria from terrorist occupation.

Violet Connections to White Helmets and Al Qaeda–Linked Armed Groups in Syria.

The Idlib Spring campaign (painting Idlib purple), in partnership with the White Helmets via the Molhamteam, raised $370,000 in donations in 2019.

The “Peoples Glory” campaign was another collaboration between the White Helmets and the Violets that was launched just as Maarat Al Numan was liberated from terrorist occupation by the Syrian Arab Army in 2019. The campaign focused on monitoring the groups of displaced people from the city during the battles for the area.

For both organizations, children figure prominently in their narratives and offer a powerful pretext for their existence as organizations within the Al Qaeda–controlled regions of a country under attack by powerful, mostly Western, interests. These so-called humanitarian organizations have long been tasked with producing the essential “evidence” needed to prosecute the Syrian state in the court of global public opinion so as to manufacture consent abroad for an ongoing hybrid war against the Syrian people.

White Helmets and Violets Poster Campaign Promoting the Douma “Chemical Attack” Narrative, April 2018

I will now come back to the image, shown earlier in the article, depicting the Violets and the White Helmets jointly displaying posters protesting the alleged Syrian government/military “chemical weapon” attack in Douma, eastern Damascus in April 2018. The first point to make is that these images were uploaded to the Violet gallery page on the April 9, 2018, less than forty-eight hours after images from the claimed chemical attack had been produced by the White Helmets and the Jaish Al Islam militia in Douma. Those scenes can be seen reproduced on these posters in Idlib.

Syrian conflict researcher and author Philip Watson reviewed the images on the posters. He concluded that the images may have been doctored and that additional bodies are included in the poster. An extra dead baby was added to the poster—one assumes for maximum effect in appealing to a Western audience. The addition/changes that Watson pointed out are shown in the collage below. The link to the original video showing the Douma “victims” and these observations is available here.

Watson, other researchers, journalists, and even BBC producer Riam Dalati maintain that the Douma “victim” bodies were arranged for a macabre photo opportunity that led to the unlawful aggression against Syria by the US/UK interventionist military cartel. Dalati concluded that the “hospital scenes were staged” and it has been concluded that this would have been done primarily by the White Helmets—a claim that was later corroborated by analysis and evidence given by experts connected to the OPCW investigation and investigated by the Working Group on Syria, Propaganda and Media in their report “How the OPCW’s Investigation of Douma Was Nobbled.” Perhaps the most comprehensive investigation into the staging of “victim” scenes was carried out by researcher Stephen McIntyre, which can be read here.

an elaborate hoax. Yet, not one of the “child rights” defenders financing both organizations have an issue with the possibility of the White Helmets being an accessory to infanticide and the Violets amplifying White Helmet crimes against children in an aggressive advertising campaign for a US-led criminal military intervention that would further endanger children.

Conclusions: Who Can Guarantee the Safety of Syrian Refugee Children?

The Violet organization sits at the bottom of a long chain of high-profile NGOs. As shown in this article, many of the NGOs and UN agencies that are heavily involved in children’s rights, development, and education also have a disturbing history of abusing the very children whose lives are put into their care. The Violets work with the White Helmets and extremist groups that run mafia-style operations to raise revenue for their operations. Historically, the organ trade— sometimes called the Red Market—and human trafficking are among the most horrifyingly lucrative ventures in conflict situations. Twenty-one million human beings worldwide are victims of human trafficking according to various reports. Illegal organ trade generates up to $1.7 billion in revenue worldwide.

All of these NGOs are backed and supported by a powerful complex of billionaires and other key players in the global oligarchy networks. It is this complex that benefits from the amplification of their mission statements by aligned media outlets and influential policy makers. Investigations into accusations of misconduct are seemingly examined in house, which has the potential to underplay, and even cover up, the scale of the problem.

For example, Peter Dalglish, a high-profile “humanitarian” who held multiple UN posts was recently sentenced to nine years in jail in Nepal after having been charged with pedophilia and the sexual assault of young boys in his care. In 2002, Dalglish had worked in Nepal as chief technical adviser under the UN Child Labor Program. He was also a recipient of the Order of Canada and founder of the “Street Kids International” NGO, which merged with Save the Children in 2015 to provide “support” for child victims of conflict and for street children. Is Dalglish representative of the philanthropy-capitalist networks running the child protection industry, or is he an isolated case?

During an interview in 2019, the head of forensics in Damascus, Dr. Zaher Hajjo, told me that he believed Idlib city and border areas with Turkey to be an organ and human trafficking nexus for the armed groups and their auxiliaries, including the White Helmets and the Violets. Liberation of these areas would likely expose the heinous trade in human beings and human organs by these Western-supported groups, according to Hajjo, who worked in Idlib as a forensic scientist until the city was seized by Al Qaeda in 2015.

In subsequent articles in this series, I will further expose organizations that work in the same areas of Syria as the White Helmets and Violets and their connections to global child trafficking. I will analyze the risks of the education programs being introduced in child-internment centers managed by the Violets and their associates. I will also look at how Covid-19 combined with conflict and neocolonialist destabilization strategies has influenced the governance of refugee centers and increased the risk of exploitation of their inhabitants.

The question we must ask ourselves is do we wholeheartedly trust these organizations to genuinely care for the rights of children? Is there the slightest doubt in our minds that their intentions may not be as benevolent as their PR agencies would have us believe? Vulnerable children the world over, who risk being trafficked and exploited, deserve nothing less than gold-standard assurances that the organizations tasked with protecting them will not be involved in their abuse.

The future of these children depends on concerned members of the public pressuring our governments and associated agencies for transparency and accountability and to end the interventionist wars that drive displaced children into the hands of criminal and predatory trafficking cartels that often disguise themselves as child advocates. These crimes should be prevented, not “investigated” years after the damage has been done by the very organizations that committed them in the first place.

Source: Unlimited Hangout

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Research Shows COVID-19 May Have Been in LA Before China

MAJOR: New Research Shows COVID-19 May Have Been in LA Before China Announced Its Outbreak
Fort Russ / Drago Bosnic

Los Angeles, CA, USA – A new study by American researchers, released on Thursday, suggests the novel coronavirus may have already reached Los Angeles by late December, actively circulating in the area months before the first definitive cases in the United States were officially identified. Researchers at the University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA), evaluated […]

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